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Range Safety Officer Course

March 24, 2018, 8:00 AM (US Central)

Darin Van Ryswyk ( )

Having certification to safely run a range can help protect competitors, guests, family, friends, coaches, and instructors.  The NRA Range Safety Officer course is "must have" training for anyone who routinely operates a range whether formally or informally.  

This RSO class is scheduled for Saturday, March 24 at the Ames Ikes - 2066 Stagecoach Rd, Ames, IA 50010. Class will begin at 8am and should end around 5:00pm. We will take a 1-hr lunch break around 12:30pm.
This course was scheduled by the Iowa DNR for Hunter Education Instructors and Scholastic Shootingl Coaches. The course fee for these volunteers is paid by the Iowa DNR. Other students may attend this course, but those individuals are responsisble for their $80 course fee. Additionally, each student is responsible for the NRA Certification and Processing fees. These fees are paid by the student through the NRA training website after the course is submitted to the NRA; for NRA members the fee is $30 and for non-members the fee is $50. The certification is valid for 2 years. If you are not currently a member of the NRA, please consider following this link and joining: Having a membership will speed the processing of your Range Safety Officer Credentials and reduce the cost of the certification and processing fees. 

Online registration for this course is available here:


For details on the course or to register please contact Darin at 515.231.3887 /







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