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February 9, 2016, 5:00 PM (US Central)

Brent Danielson ( )
Chapterhouse Basement - Indoor Range

Who are the Elitist Toads?

Every winter (January – March) shooters from around the world shoot a 500-shot indoor .22 match.  Although the match features both open (modern) and traditional classes, the goals of the match are to encourage interest in traditional firearms of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and to foster traditional precision shooting skills.   All shooting is done offhand at 50 feet on 25-ring German Schuetzen targets.   The match is shot as an aggregate of 10 weekly matches, each being 50 consecutive shots for score, which introduces a measure of endurance to the challenge as well.  Currently, the oldest schuetzen rifle club in the nation, The Davenport (Iowa) Schuetzen Association manages the matches and collects and posts scores from 3-man teams all over the world. 


For these matches, “traditional” equipment constitute single shot rifles made before 1917 (the end of the first Schuetzen era in America) and close replicas of such rifles.  They may have either iron sights or a scope, however, traditional class scopes require external adjustments.  Any scope or modern rifle can be used in the open class, but it must be fired as a single shot. 


We are a small group of shooters who enjoy building and shooting traditional rifles of many sorts and, when describing these interests to others, someone commented we were a bunch of elitist toads – which we took as a compliment and made it our team name.  BTW, the team could use a few new members, open or traditional class.  We practice/compete on Tuesday evenings 5pm-7:30pm December through March, except the first Tuesday of the month.

Categories:   Indoor Range

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