4-hr Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons Course
March 18, 2015, 5:30 PM (US Central)
Darin VanRyswyk ( darin@cwrfirearmstraining.com )
4-hr Iowa Permit to Carry Course
Designed for students with strong handgun shooting fundamentals, this 4-hour class provides training in the following areas:
Review of Safe Gun Handling skills
The Defensive Mindset & Tactical Considerations
Legal Aspects of Concealed Carry & Self-Defense
Interactions with Law Enforcement
Cost of the class is $60 with pre-registration / $65 at the door. Current Ames Ikes members receive a $10 discount.
Upon successful completion of the course, each student will receive a certificate that meets statutory requirements for the purpose of demonstrating training to the county sheriff when applying for the Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons.
For additional information please visit www.cwrfirearmstraining.com.
To register please contact Darin - darin@cwrfirearmstraining.com / 5l5-23l-3887
Firearms Training