It's easy to become a Member of the Ames Izaak Walton League.
Simply select the ICON below, print the application form, fill it out, and mail it to the address listed on the form. Once we receive your application you will be contacted to schedule a NEW MEMBER meeting where you'll learn about the Izaak Walton League and the Ames IKES Chapter and pay your dues!
You may contact us with any questions you may have.
New annual membership dues, and renewing dues currently are $150 (Individual) and $195 (Family Membership). Annual memberships expire on December 31. Starting July 1 of each year, and ending September 30, we will only offer new members an 18 month membership, expiring December 31 of the FOLLOWING year, for $215 and $282 respectfully. Local records are checked—if you were a member during the previous year you are considered a renewing member and your annual renewal membership dues apply, regardless of when you renew. National enforces this rule—it is not a rule exclusively for our chapter; this rule applies to all chapters.
National and State Life memberships are also available for individuals and families. Please note that these memberships do not include chapter benefits. Chapter dues must be paid in order to receive chapter benefits.
Contact the Membership Director for current State and National Life Dues. These are available at all times without discount (a credit may apply, however, if you’ve renewed). Contact the membership director for upgrade information.